Hi there! My name is Monica and I’m here to bring a little joyful moment into your life. We all have dark thoughts and days where we feel that little dark rain cloud above our heads. Well I want to share my life with you in hopes of making those lonely, confused and sad moments into a partnership where you feel the opposite of that. I want to make you feel loved, cherished and happy. You’re never alone! I’m here for you!
I’m just a normal girl who has to navigate through life as a wife, daughter, sister and friend while battling depression, anxiety and infertility. I want to share my thoughts with you because sometimes hearing about strangers and how life has handed them a crappy hand of cards and still looking for light in those situations brings hope to our own battles.
So whether you’re here just to follow along in my journey, not feel so alone or you happen to come across my blog, welcome! And thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts and story!